For an affordable fee of $100 per year, you can make use of the range provided by Bowhunters Pro Shop to sharpen your bowhunting skills. We're conveniently located in Maryville, TN, and we're an active part of the bowhunting community. Get FREE entry to our range for a year and hone your skills!
Indoor Range Fees:
$15.00 hourly per person
$49.99 monthly per person
$549.99 yearly per person
Youth Indoor Range Fee: (16 & younger)
$10.00 hourly per person
Indoor Range Family Packages:
$69.99 monthly*
$799.99 yearly*
Outdoor Bale Target Range Price:
(10 yards - 100 yards)
$20.00 daily per person
$100.00 yearly per person
$150.00 yearly (family*)
3D Targets:
(Out to 50 yards)
$20.00 per round
*Restrictions do apply. Must be 18 and younger and still living with the family.